
Located about four hours from Sydney ‘Warragundi Aggregation’ sits within the Central Tablelands region in NSW, at Goolma along the banks of the Cudgegong River. Set on a sprawling 8,547ha (21,110 acres) with twelve aggregated neighbouring farms sustainably operated as a single agribusiness enterprise supporting the large-scale production of pasture, fodder, and beef.

The combined aggregation offers outstanding water security with irrigation water entitlements of 1,053 megalitres and a reliable average rainfall of 650mm per annum. This supports multi species improved perennial and native pastures along with irrigated and dryland fodder production, which combines to maintain a 3,000 head breeding herd of Angus cattle. The property has about 4,100 hectares of combined river flats and cultivation country, 150 hectares serviced by five centre pivots, plus 4,300 hectares of open and natural grazing.

The property was acquired by Bettergrow (a Borg Company) in July 2021, and additional blocks have since been added to make this one of the largest agribusiness enterprises in the Central Tablelands. Purchased to maximise the benefit from the companies’ organic compost operations and push the boundaries of sustainable primary production which is the core belief behind Bettergrow.

Determined to play our role in the recovery, recycling and re-use of products and produce, Warragundi plays an integral part in our circular sustainability economy. With managed grazing of cattle for beef production, timed around cropping for fodder, improved pastures and complimentary grazing operations with the principal focus being soil health. The sustainable production system solely uses our own organic-based inputs that build resilience in the soil to the variations in the Australian climate.

A large scale soil carbon project adds an exciting new enterprise to the mix allowing value capture with an absolute focus on soil, biodiversity and landscape health. With 15 devoted team members supported by sub-contractors and other Borg enterprises our Warragundi Aggregation is an essential part of the Bettergrow business.